Water Transmission Leakage and Its Correlation to Non-Revenue Water in Salalah Oman

Ts. Dr. Nurazim Ibrahim1, Abdullah Al-Hazar Al-Kathiri1 & Ir Ts Dr. Nor Azidawati Haron2
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

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Non-Revenue Water (NRW) remains a persistent challenge in global water distribution, particularly in arid regions where water scarcity heightens the urgency of efficient resource management. This study investigates the magnitude of NRW in Salalah, Oman, with a focus on its sources, impact, and mitigation strategies. While previous research has explored NRW in urban water supply systems, limited studies have quantitatively analysed transmission pipeline losses in arid environments. Using a structured survey of 165 engineers, technicians, and project managers from ONEIC, this study applies a quantitative research design and statistical analysis through SPSS to evaluate the relationships between NRW sources, magnitude, and mitigation effectiveness. Results indicate that Salalah’s NRW levels exceed global benchmarks, with an estimated loss of 40% compared to the acceptable 10%. The study establishes a strong correlation (0.743) between NRW magnitude and its sources, particularly infrastructure deficiencies, unauthorized connections, and metering inaccuracies. Additionally, proactive leak detection, infrastructure upgrades, and advanced metering technologies contribute to a 59.3% reduction in NRW variation. This study fills critical gaps in NRW research by providing empirical evidence on transmission pipeline losses in an arid region and offering a data-driven framework for policymakers and water utilities. By addressing these inefficiencies, this research contributes to sustainable water management and provides a replicable model for similar water-scarce regions worldwide.

Keywords: NRW, Salalah City, ONEIC, SPSS, Mitigation Strategies


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