The Influence of Customer Relationship Management, Price, And Academic Achievement on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at Khalifah Tutoring Center Banda Aceh
Aprinita Lisanul, Jasman J, & Ahmad Nizam*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Price, and Academic Achievement effect on Customer Loyalty (CL), with Customer Satisfaction (CS) as a mediator at the Khalifah Tutoring Center. The population refers to all parents/guardians of students who have enrolled their children for extra lessons at Khalifah Tutoring Center for at least 2 years in the Regular SD/SMP/SMA program. The sample was selected using probability sampling with a simple random sampling technique. The sample size consists of 200 respondents. Data were tested using the Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that CRM affects CS and CL, while Price and Academic Achievement affect CS but not CL, and CS does not affect CL. Furthermore, for the mediation effects, CRM, Price, and Academic Achievement don’t affect CL through CS. These findings prove that Khalifah can utilize a model to increase customer loyalty for his company, namely by improving CRM.
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Price, Academic Achievement, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction
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