Korean Wave Moderation Role in The Korean Celebrity Brand Ambassador Influence on Repurchase Intention Through Brand Image On Blibli Online Marketplace: Study in Banda Aceh City
Nurul Lianda, Syafruddin Chan, & Sorayanti Utami*
Management Department, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2025.8206
This study examines the Korean wave as a moderation in the model of the Korean celebrity brand ambassadors’ effect on repurchase intention through the brand image on the Blibli online marketplace. The research involved 315 respondents in Banda Aceh city, who have used the Blibli online marketplace more than twice for online shopping. Data was collected using a questionnaire, and data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) with SmartPLS software. The results reveal that significantly, the Korean celebrity brand ambassador positively affects repurchase intention and brand image, brand image positively affects repurchase intention, brand image positively mediates the Korean celebrity brand ambassador effect on repurchase intention (partially), and the Korean wave negatively moderates the Korean celebrity brand ambassador effect on repurchase intention. These findings indicate that the model of enhanced repurchase intention is influenced by the strengthening of the Korean celebrity brand ambassador and brand image, reinforced by an optimal korean wave.
Keywords: Korean Celebrity Brand Ambassador, Repurchase Intention, Brand Image, Korean Wave
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