Impact Of Climate Change on Current Drainage Infrastructure in The Salalah Region
Ts. Dr. Nurazim Ibrahim1, Ahmed Al-Hazar Al-Kathiri1 & Ir Ts Dr. Nor Azidawati Haron2
1Faculty of Civil Engineering, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
This study investigates the influence of climate change on the drainage system in Salalah City, Oman, evaluating its performance and recommending long-term mitigation strategies for flooding. Climate change has greatly increased flooding risks, aggravating the constraints of urban drainage infrastructure and emphasising the need for effective management measures. The study’s goal is to deliver practical information to improve the city’s flood resilience and protect its infrastructure. A quantitative research methodology was used, with structured surveys disseminated to project managers, engineers, and technicians in Salalah. SPSS was used to analyse the data, with descriptive and inferential statistical methods, as well as multiple regression analysis. These methodologies allowed for the assessment of links between climate change impacts, drainage system performance, and recommended mitigation options. The findings reveal that 97.2% of respondents believe the frequency of flooding in Salalah has increased in recent years due to climate change. Despite this, 94.5% of participants view the current drainage system and mitigation measures as partially effective, though insufficient for handling extreme flooding events. Regression analysis further highlighted that climate change significantly impacts drainage system performance, with a positive regression coefficient (β = 0.314, p < 0.01), indicating its critical role in exacerbating flooding issues. Additionally, mitigation measures such as infrastructure upgrades and sustainable drainage systems were identified as effective solutions, with a significant positive impact on reducing flood risks (β = 0.295, p < 0.01). The study suggests that managing flooding in Salalah requires a multifaceted approach that includes infrastructure improvements, sustainable urban drainage systems, and stakeholder participation. The proposed mitigating methods provide a road map for improving drainage system efficiency and encouraging sustainable urban development. These findings are useful for politicians, engineers, and urban planners in Salalah and other locations facing similar issues, as well as those working globally to adapt to and reduce the effects of climate change.
Keywords: Climate Change, Salalah City, flooding risk, urban drainage, Mitigation Strategies
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