Reimagining Critical Interdisciplinarity. Shifting from the Traditional to the Transformative Paradigm in Higher Education Research and Learning

Abraham Tamukum Tangwe1* & Patrick Kofi Benyin2
Lecturer and Director of the Center for Didactics and Research in Education, Protestant University of Rwanda,
2 Research Assistant, Protestant University of Rwanda


Critical University Studies (CUS) is an emerging interdisciplinary field that interrogates the structures, policies, and practices of higher education institutions. By challenging conventional academic paradigms, CUS provides a framework for shifting from traditional academic research to transformative research aimed at fostering critical practices and societal impact. This paper examines the ways in which CUS can facilitate this shift, focusing on three key areas: reimagining research agendas, fostering interdisciplinarity, and promoting engaged scholarship. The research question is how higher learning institutions become the pacesetters of contextualised and interdisciplinary transformative education in Africa? it adopted a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. It employed documentary analysis to identify key themes and utilizes content analysis with a deductive iterative technique for data classification. Key findings indicate that fostering critical thinking, adaptability, and digital skills is essential for students to engage with pressing global issues such as poverty, environmental degradation, and intercultural communication. Furthermore, the study reveals significant challenges confronting higher education stakeholders, including the need for curriculum reform that integrates global values of social justice and responsibility, while ensuring alignment with local cultural contexts. Additionally, the research underscores the importance of collaborative practices among educators and community partners, emphasizing that engaged scholarship can transform the researcher-community relationship into a reciprocal exchange that enriches educational outcomes. The findings suggest that through a robust framework of CUS, higher education can play a crucial role in nurturing future leaders capable of navigating complex societal challenges while promoting sustainable development.

Keywords: Interdisciplinarity, Policies, Higher Education, Transformation, Reimagining, Social Justice


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