Challenges Encountered and Coping Strategies of Third Year Civil Engineering Students on Modular Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ivy May Dela Cruz – Rumbaoa & Esli Joy N. Fernando
University Of La Salette, Inc, Santiago City, Philippines


This study aimed to identify the challenges and coping strategies of third-year civil engineering students in modular distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This study used a quantitative descriptive research design to identify and describe the challenges faced by learners in modular distance learning. Various statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean and rank were used in this study. Results of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents includes individuals ages 23-25, predominantly male, single, utilizing mobile phones for virtual learning at home. Google meet stands out as the preferred online platform. The third-year civil engineering student agreed that challenges they encountered on modular distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic include distribution and retrieval of modules, time management, self-study/independent learning, learning resources/materials, economy and communication. The coping strategies they used on modular distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic were borrowing learning resources, incorporate diverse learning methods, design a study space, set realistic goals, establish a routine, stay connected, seek help when needed, practice time management, break tasks into chunks, stay flexible and manage information intake.

Keywords: Modular Distance Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic, Civil Engineering, Coping Strategies


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