Leveraging Online Collaboration for Enhanced Social Studies Cognitive Skills
Julie-Ann Corrales1* & Arnold Abad Tenorio2
1Basic Education Department, The Lady Mediatrix Institute, Inc., Philippines
2College of Teacher Education, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2024.7905
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This study examined students’ perceptions of the online collaborative learning approach and its correlation with cognitive skills in social studies. Fifty students from various colleges at a state university in Laguna were selected using random sampling techniques. Quantitative data analysis revealed that students performed well in online collaborative learning environments, attributing this to positive relationships with group members and a desire to meet group expectations. Regarding cognitive skills, students demonstrated proficiency in accurately evaluating options and establishing priorities. The study found a positive correlation between online collaborative learning and enhancing students’ cognitive skills, particularly in decision-making and problem-solving. These findings suggest that online collaborative learning may effectively develop cognitive abilities in social studies education.
Keywords: Online Collaborative Learning, Cognitive Skills, Social Studies Education.
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