Investigating Purchase and Transaction Fraud on the Internet among Youth Individuals: A Comprehensive Study Employing Fraudulent Patterns and Statistical Analysis
Fahmida Jahan1, Md. Ashraful Islam2 & Habibur Rahman3
1,3Department of Business Administration, Port City International University, Bangladesh.
2 Department of Natural Science, Port City International University, Bangladesh.
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This study examines concerns about online transaction and purchase fraud, using a variety of methods for identifying and investigating fraudulent activities. We surveyed a sample of 235 internet users. We put in an appearance at data collection in multiple regions across Bangladesh. This study uses statistical methods, including the chi-square test, Kruskal-Walli’s test, and ANOVA-F test, to identify certain characteristics and trends associated with fraudulent transactions. By carefully examining large datasets, we want to provide detailed insights into the techniques and activities of fraudulent actors, which will eventually aid in the creation of greater fraud detection and prevention systems in the field of technology.
Keywords: Fraudulent, ANOVA-F test, Kruskal-Wallis’s test, and chi-square test.
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