Identity Politics and Religious in Modern Society
Yaron Katz
Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
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Israeli politics has been characterized by identity-based conflict, particularly surrounding the connection between the state of Israel and its identity as a Jewish state. A significant focal point of this conflict revolves around the tension between secular Jews and the ultra-Orthodox community. Despite being a minority group, the ultra-Orthodox holds substantial political influence. Over the past two decades, ultra-Orthodox parties have strategically leveraged religious issues to gain political power. Simultaneously, secular politicians have capitalized on anti-religious sentiment among secular Israeli Jews. The central point of contention lies in the demand for exemptions from military service for ultra-Orthodox religious males. This policy has played a pivotal role in shaping the community. This research examines the social and political divisions stemming from religion’s role in shaping the Jewish state’s identity and culture, examining the political ramifications of the ongoing identity struggle.
Keywords: Identity; Politics; Religion; Modern; Society
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