The Influence of Ethical Climate, Strategic Change Management and Transactional Leadership on Organizational Performance Secretariat General of The National Resilience Council Mediated by Organizational Commitment
Imam Hidayat,1 Willy Arafah2, & Kusnadi3
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business University Trisakti Jakarta, Indonesia
The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership, on organizational performance which is mediated by organizational commitment of the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council.
The research method used in this research is hypothesis testing. This research is quantitative, using a questionnaire given to 259 Personnel of the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council. Data analysis used SPSS /SEM software with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) multivariate analysis method.
The results of this research have a direct influence on the variables ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership which have a significant and positive effect on organizational performance. ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership have a significant and positive effect on organizational commitment. The direct effect of organizational commitment is significantly positive. The indirect influence of ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership on organizational performance which is mediated by organizational commitment is significant and positive. The strongest influence is the organizational commitment variable on organizational performance. management and implications of the existence of an ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership maximally support the organizational performance of the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council and this needs to be paid attention to by organizations in the process of changing policy settings. ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership the results of this research significantly strengthen the influence of ethical climate, strategic change management, transactional leadership on the organizational performance of the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council. organizational commitment to organizational performance has not been able to improve the performance of the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council. However, organizational commitment as a mediation for ethical climate, strategic change management, is able to improve the organizational performance of the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council.
Keywords: Ethical Climate, Strategic Change Management, Transactional Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Performance.
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