Factors Influencing Inactive Participation of Students in Classroom Discussion: Basis for Intervention
Masanga, Luisito, PhD.,1, & Gutierrez, Ernell, PhD.2
1,2 Emilio Aguinaldo College Dasmarinas Cavite, Philippines
School of Business Administration and Accountancy
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2024.7601
The result of the study might seem controversial from other studies, mentioning that active participation of students in class discussion, can result in getting better grade while inactive participation of students in a class discussion can hamper learning and undesirably influence academic performance .In this study, the factors affecting inactive class participation of students were identified through a thematic analysis based from a focus group discussion and these are communication, insecurity, external factors and personality/behavior. These factors were the independent variables in the study and, it showed that it cannot predict the passing or failing class standing grades of the students (the dependent variable) in the prelim period, because there were no cases that showed significance at P-value of 0.05 using a binary logistics regression. This means that there were no concrete evidences to show that these independent variables will have a probability that an event of getting a passing or failing class standing will occur. The result of the T-Test for independent samples between the gender and these factors influencing inactive participation were all in favor of the female students. Although the result of the study is rather provocative, there is still a need for continuous improvement to augment interventions to improve active participation of the students in classroom discussion.
Keywords: Class Discussion, Active Participation, Continuous Improvement, Classroom Motivation
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