The Influence of Online Campaigns on Interest in Visiting Jakarta Aquarium

Abdul Rahman HI1, Juwono Tri Atmodjo2, Vania Utamie Subiakto3, Ghina Aulia Putri4, Rialdo Rezeky Manogari Lumban5, & Maulidia Bahiyyatul6
Faculty of Communication Sciences, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
5,6Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) Jakarta, Indonesia


Jakarta Aquarium is a tourist spot that has 12 types of attraction zones and 2000 species of animals. In building brand awareness to the public, Jakarta Aquarium collaborates with one of the young influencers named Ria Ricis who has a large number of followers. Collaborating with Ria Ricis is one effective way to expand the visibility of Jakarta Aquarium. The purpose of this study is to find out and explain the influence of influencer Ria Ricis online campaign on interest in visiting Jakarta Aquarium. This research uses the foundation of online campaign theory whose dimensions contain brand reputation, company relations with the public, media attention, sales, activities to increase public opinion awareness and positive image.

The type of research used is explanatory with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was followers of @riaricis1795 Instagram account with a total of 100 respondents. The data collection technique in this study is to use a survey method with a stationary spread.

The results of this study show that based on a simple linear regression test there is a strong relationship between the variable influence of online campaigns through influencer Ria Ricis on interest in visiting Jakarta Aquarium. Based on the results of Pearson Correlations variables X and Y, there is a positive correlation between online campaigns through influencer Ria Ricis and interest in visiting Jakarta Aquarium.

Keywords: Online Campaign, Visiting Interest


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