Hedy Lamarr Mother of Cell Phone and Wifi Mobile Connection: from Cinema Screens to Wireless Network Communication
Danilo Morais da Silva1*, Moára Lima Araujo2, Eric Zanovello3, António Pedro Oliveira Cunha Santos4
1, 3Municipal Superintendency of Information Technology and Research, Porto Velho City Hall, Rondonia, Brazil
2Federal University of Rondonia, Rondonia, Brazil
4Educational Institution AB Ver-o-mar, Lisbon, Portugal
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2024.7401
The role of women in the field of technology has been a source of debate at various events and web channels that promote such discussions, whether at a congress or in a podcast, what is known is that they have been contributing significantly to making information and communication technology a area more integrated with new realities in addition to providing democratization of access. This article tells the story of a technological legacy left by the Austrian news agency: Hedy Lamarr. Through an analysis of her trajectory, going through her childhood, her first performances, the controversies and her rise in the cinematographic sector, then reaching the moment of her invention, the attempts at recognition, the first uses of this new technology until her due date prestige in society for institutions in the IT sector. Next, a retrospective of her last years of life and some important reflections are made. It is worth highlighting that Hedy Lamar was not alone and had the support of pianist Georg Antheil and together they created one of the technologies that shape the face of the digital era and the 21st century, the wireless connection (wi-fi).
Keywords: Hedy Lamarr, Women in Science, Wireless Network Communication, Wi-fi Connection, Cell Phone, Frequency Hopping.
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