The Influence of Job Mutation and Work Engagement on Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Performance of Health Social Security Administering Body (BPJS Health) of The Banda Aceh Branch
Maryadi Usman1, Muhammad Adam2, & Muhlis3
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to test the Job mutation and Work engagement effect on Job Satisfaction and their impact on the performance of Health Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) employees in the Banda Aceh Branch. In this study, the intended population was all employees, totaling 78 people. The sampling technique used a saturated sampling. Data were processed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The result shows in the BPJS Health of Banda Aceh Branch that job mutation influences significantly Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement influences significantly Job satisfaction, Job mutation does not influence significantly employee performance, Work Engagement influences significantly employee performance, Job satisfaction influences significantly employee performance, Job Satisfaction mediates fully the Job mutation influencing Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction mediates partially the Work Engagement influencing Employee Performance. These findings conclude that the model for increasing employee performance at BPJS Health of Banda Aceh Branch is a function of increasing job mutation, strengthening work engagement, and increasing job satisfaction of these employees.
Keywords: Job mutation, Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
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