The Influence of Inclusive Leadership and Knowledge-Sharing Behavior on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Which Is Mediated by Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement in The Pidie District Financial Management Agency
Siska Rahayu*, Mahdani, & Syafruddin
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to investigate the influence of inclusive leadership and knowledge-sharing behavior on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), mediated by job satisfaction and job involvement at the Financial Management Agency of Pidie District. The data were collected through questionnaires distributed to employees, and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to test the indicators of the variables. The results reveal that Inclusive leadership and Knowledge sharing behavior affected Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and OCB; Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement affected OCB; and Inclusive leadership and Knowledge sharing behavior affected OCB through Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement. These findings prove that Job Satisfaction and Work Engagement are 2 variables that function as partial mediators in the model. So, these things explain that the model for increasing OCB at the Pidie District Financial Management Agency is a function of strengthening inclusive leadership, strengthening knowledge-sharing behavior, increasing job satisfaction, and increasing employee work engagement. This conclusion can be stated as a premise that is the basis for developing theory through further research.
Keywords: Inclusive leadership, Knowledge sharing behavior, Organizational citizenship behavior, Job satisfaction, Job involvement.
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