The Influence of Competence, Work Motivation, And Organizational Culture on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction: Case Study at The BRI Banda Aceh Functional Office
Iskandar1*, Muhammad Adam2, & Mukhlis3
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to test the Job satisfaction Mediating Competence, Work Motivation, and Organizational Culture effect on Employee Performance of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Banda Aceh Functional Office. The population was all the employees, totaling 102 employees. The sample used was 102 employees. Data were tested using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results show Competency influences satisfaction, Work Motivation influences Satisfaction, culture influences satisfaction, Competency influences employee performance, Motivation influences employee performance, culture does not affect on employee performance, Satisfaction influences Employee Performance, Satisfaction partially mediates the Competency effect on Employee Performance, Satisfaction partially mediates the Motivation on Employee Performance, and Satisfaction fully mediates the Culture on Employee Performance. These findings explain that employee performance at the BRI Banda Aceh Functional Office is determined by job satisfaction which mediates competency, work motivation, and culture of the company. These findings validate this model as the premise of the current theory and can be used by future researchers to test this model by combining it with new variables. Research limitations lie in the variables and subjects.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Competence, Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance
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