Influence Methodstory Telling on Public Communication Skills Among Students of SDN 3 Mekarsari, Depok, West Java
Vania Utamie Subiakto
Faculty of Communication Sciences, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
For some students, public speaking is new, although they often take the form of presentations in class. When primary school students realize that the public speaking method is a character education for the younger generation and provides creative development for multi-faceted communication, the implementation of the public speaking method takes on a new color. This requires in-depth training in implementing narrative methods for primary school students. This can be done by communicating ideas or suggestions verbally or verbally. Although they have spoken frequently since childhood, in practice many people have difficulty expressing these expressions according to the rules of public speaking. On this basis, the author will study the impact of storytelling method on the public communication skills of students in SDN 3 Mekarsari Depok, West Java.
The purpose of this study is to understand the extent of public speaking skills among primary school students in Depok, West Java, before the implementation of storytelling method, and to understand the extent of the impact of storytelling method on students’ public speaking skills SDN 3 Mekarsari, Depok, West Java. The method used in this study is quantitative research method. This study is a pre-experimental study or pseudo-experiment. The design employed pretest and posttest groups. Within a group, pretests and posttests were administered before any treatment. The subjects of this study included 45 students from SDN 3 Mekarsari Cimanggis Depok, West Java. This number was determined based on the selection of primary school children based on respondents as they are easily accessible and recognize the Alpha Generation who are able to develop storytelling practices that increase confidence and improve social literacy. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The researchers collected samples from 45 students at SDN 3 Mekarsari Cimanggis Depok, West Java. The researchers did not switch the population from Class 1 to Class III because switching from Class 1 to Class III would be premature and there were concerns that the measurements might be invalid. The population of fourth to sixth grade students in this study is 214, or 20%, so the sample of this study includes 45 students. Therefore, when specifying the sample size for this study, the researchers mentioned hair. Hair stated that the sample size can be determined by the number of ratings x the scale value. Data collection techniques in this study used testing and observation.
The results of this study were that students who used a storytelling approach improved their ability to speak fluently, clearly, and convincingly. They are better able to convey information in an interesting way and connect the information to a relevant story. Storytelling methods also have a positive impact on students’ listening skills. Through storytelling, students become more engaged and active in listening to the stories of their classmates or teachers, thereby improving their understanding of the story content. Engaging in storytelling can inspire students’ creativity in creating their own stories. This helps them develop interesting and unique narratives and improves their ability to manage emotions and express themselves.
Keywords: Elementary School, Storytelling, Depok, West Java
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