The Existence, Relationship, And Growth Needs Effect on Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Working Performance of Technical Service Officers at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Sigli

Diko Anesah, Ahmad Nizam*, & Iskandarsyah
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to examine the Affection of Existence, Relationship, and Growth Needs on Job Satisfaction and Their Impact on the Working Performance of Technical Service Officers at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Sigli. The data population used in this research was about 117 people, and we used its population as a full data sample. The result reveals that Existence Needs affect Job Satisfaction, Relationship Needs affect Job Satisfaction, Growth Needs affect Job Satisfaction, Existence Needs affect Working Performance, Relationship Needs affect Working Performance, Growth Needs affect Working Performance, Job Satisfaction affects Working Performance, Job Satisfaction mediates Existence Needs effect on Working Performance, Job Satisfaction mediates Relationship Needs effect on Working Performance, and Job Satisfaction mediates Growth Needs effect on Working Performance. These findings also explain that the effect produced by job satisfaction in the overall model is a partial mediation effect. These results explain that the model for increasing Working Performance at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Sigli is proven to be a function of Existence, Relationship, and Growth Needs, as well as Job Satisfaction.

Keywords: Existence Needs, Relationship Needs, Growth Needs, Job Satisfaction, Working Performance


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