Leadership, Organizational Communication, and Work Culture as Drivers of Employee Performance: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction at PT Jamkrida Jatim
Gatot Suprabowo1*, Handriyono2, & Intan Nurul Awwaliyah3
123, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember, Indonesia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2024.71204
This study examines the causal relationships between leadership, organizational communication, work culture, job satisfaction, and employee performance within PT Jamkrida Jatim. Employing Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) through SmartPLS 4.0, this research investigates the interactions among independent variables (leadership, organizational communication, and work culture), the mediating variable (job satisfaction), and the dependent variable (employee performance). The findings reveal the following: (1) leadership does not significantly influence job satisfaction; (2) organizational communication positively impacts job satisfaction; (3) work culture has a strong effect on job satisfaction; (4) leadership significantly enhances employee performance; (5) organizational communication does not significantly influence employee performance; (6) work culture does not significantly affect employee performance; (7) job satisfaction does not directly contribute to employee performance; (8) job satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between leadership and employee performance; (9) job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of organizational communication on employee performance; and (10) job satisfaction does not mediate the relationship between work culture and employee performance. These findings underscore the need for organizations to focus on leadership development, effective communication strategies, and fostering a positive work culture to enhance job satisfaction and employee performance. While these findings provide important insights, they could be extended in future studies with a larger sample size or in different organizational contexts.
Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Communication, Work Culture, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction.
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