The Impact of Environmental Knowledge, Green Brand Image, and Religiosity on Green Cosmetics Purchase Intention Mediated by Attitude
Wardyatul Fuady Harahap1*, Amri2, Halimatussakdiah3
1,2,3Department of Management, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
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The research investigates how environmental knowledge, green brand image, religiosity, and personal attitude can affect green cosmetics purchase intention. The study involved 230 participants who had not previously purchased green cosmetics and were located in Banda Aceh city and Aceh Besar district. The PLS-SEM method with SmartPLS software was used for data analysis. The result concluded that significantly Environmental knowledge and Religiosity affect attitude toward green cosmetics, while insignificantly Green brand image affects attitude towards green cosmetics. Furthermore, significantly Environmental knowledge and attitude affect green cosmetics purchase intention, but insignificantly Green brand image and Religiosity affect green cosmetics purchase intention. For the indirect effect, significantly attitude mediates the environmental knowledge and religiosity impact on green cosmetics purchase intention, however, insignificantly attitude mediates the green brand image impact on green cosmetics purchase intention. The attitude here functions as partial mediation for environmental knowledge impact on green cosmetics purchase intention and as full mediation for religiosity impact on green cosmetics purchase intention. Thus, these findings explain that the model of increasing green cosmetics purchase intention is a function of increasing environmental knowledge, strengthening, strengthening religiosity, and depends on the suitability of people’s attitude towards green cosmetics.
Keywords: Environmental Knowledge, Green Brand Image, Religiosity, Attitude, Purchase Intention
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