Financial Behavior Analyses: Engel’s Law in the Modern Domestic Economy of the City of Goma
SENGA Matabaro1,2,3 & SINDAYIGAYA Ildephonse1,4
1Doctoral student at the University of Burundi, Burundi
2Researcher at the university center for economic and social research and development, CURDS
3Assistant-Lecturer at the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Goma, ISP-GOMA
4Short-Term Lecturer in Master’s degree at the University of Ngozi
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This research examines the financial behavior of households in Goma, applying Engel’s Law. This states that the share of income dedicated to food decreases as income increases, thus freeing resources for other expenses. The results show that, in Goma, households follow this dynamic. As income increases, the proportion of the budget for food decreases, allowing for increased spending on education and other priorities. Notably, education spending often increases at the expense of housing spending, indicating a priority for education over immediate material comfort. Household size also influences housing expenditure per person, illustrating economies of scale where costs are spread across more members. This observation is consistent with Engel’s Law, which explores the relationship between household size and individual spending. The results also show a positive coefficient between income and savings, suggesting that higher-income households save more, which is consistent with Engel’s Law. In contrast, a negative coefficient between consumption and saving indicates that increased consumer spending reduces saving capacity, aligned with Engel’s principles.
Key-words: Finance, Financial behavior, DR-Congo, domestic economy, household revenue
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