How Effective is Employee Performance at PT Graha Pusri Medika Through Remuneration and Incentives?
Wiwin Winarsih1, Yeni Alfiana2, Dwi Yanti3, & Aries Veronica4*
1-4) Tamansiswa University Faculty of Economics, Indonesia
This research aims to examine the effectiveness of employee performance at PT. Graha Pusri Medika through remuneration and incentives by testing the effect of remuneration and incentive variables on the effectiveness of employee performance in hospitals. The data collection method in this research was carried out using a questionnaire distributed to hospital employees in 2023. The analysis technique used was multiple regression analysis. The results of this research show that simultaneously, the remuneration and incentive variables only have an influence of 31.4% on employee effectiveness. Meanwhile, the remaining 68.6% is influenced or explained by other variables such as: discipline, work stress, job satisfaction, work environment and others which are not included in this research. Meanwhile, partial shows that remuneration and incentives also have a positive and significant effect on employee work effectiveness.
Keywords: Remuneration, Incentives, Effectiveness
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