The Influence of Competence, Knowledge Sharing, And Innovation on Organizational Performance with Innovative Work Behavior as A Mediation Variable (Study at Pt Pupuk Iskandar Muda)
Sujuddin Wahyu, Faisal, & A Sakir*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to examine the competence, knowledge sharing, and innovation influence on organizational performance with innovative work behavior as a mediation. It was conducted at PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, and the population was its employees, totalling 240 people. Sample determination was carried out through the census technique. Data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires. Data were tested using SEM-AMOS. The results prove that directly, competence influences innovative behavior, knowledge sharing significantly influences innovative behavior, innovation significantly influences innovative behavior, competence significantly influences organizational performance, knowledge sharing significantly influences organizational performance, innovation significantly influences organizational performance, and innovative behavior significantly influences organizational performance. Furthermore, the results of indirect hypothesis testing prove that innovative behavior mediates the competence impact on organizational performance, innovative behavior mediates the knowledge sharing impact on organizational performance, and innovative behavior mediates the innovation impact on organizational performance. These findings show that innovative behavior for all mediation models acts as a partial mediator, which can be used as a mediator or not. Thus, modelling for improving organizational performance has been proven to be a function of increasing competence, increasing knowledge sharing, increasing innovation, and strengthening innovative behavior within the organization.
Keywords: , Knowledge Sharing, Innovation, Innovative Work Behavior, Organizational Performance
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