An Analysis of Healthcare Management: Case Study at Hidayatulloh Al- Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia

Marselli Widya Lestari1* & Wiwik Winarningsih1
1Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya, Indonesia


The success of the Poskestren program as a health empowerment effort is strongly influenced by aspects of Poskestren management. This study aims to determine the Poskestren management function consisting of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising the success of the Poskestren program at Hidayatulloh Al-Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School, Bangkalan. This study is descriptive qualitative research with 5 main informants and 3 triangulation informants who are Islamic Boarding School administrators, Poskestren administrators, and Poskestren cadres. Data collection techniques used observation techniques, in-depth interviews and document studies. The results show that Poskestren has carried out all management functions starting from planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. However, in the process there are still many challenges and inadequacies, such as not yet determining the target of program achievement, not yet well-documented in its planning, not yet made division of position and responsibilities, as well as the implementation of promotive and preventive programs is still limited. Therefore, further assistance from the Government Primary Healthcare and local authorities is needed so that the Poskestren at Hidayatulloh Al- Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School, Bangkalan can be improved.

Keywords: Healthcare Management, Poskestren program, Community Empowerment.


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