Work Stress and Generation Z Workplace Behavior
M. Yani Syafei1*, Dedi Rianto Rahadi2, Masduki3, & Gabriel Sianturi4
1Doctor of Management Science Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Department of Business, President University, Indonesia
3Management Department, Universitas Majalengka, Indonesia
4Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Generation Z (1995-2010) has started to enter the workforce and employers need to be prepared for their presence. While Generation Z has a lot in common with Millennials, they also generate modern patterns of behavior. Today’s managers must not only trust the best ways to manage inexperienced junior employees, but also the unique traits of the generation formed by their impressions, if modern behavior is not in line, it will cause stress. Everyone must have experienced stress, even stress is sometimes sought after to improve performance.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The investigate strategies utilized are graphic and subjective with a bibliographic approach and information collection is done through investigate or investigation of diverse inquire about comes about distributed in different distributions, articles, diaries and measurable information. The discoveries of this consider will offer assistance improve our information of human asset administration, particularly Gen Z push and work behavior. Coordinated the unused era into a working, proficient and social environment where workers develop. Their careers within the work environment are supported by Gen Z tech experts.
Keywords: Job stress, Performance, Generation Z
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