The Impact of Product Placement on Consumer Behaviour (Case of Georgia)
Nugzar Todua1*, Giorgi Robakidze2
1 Ph.D.; D. Sc. Full Professor, Head of Marketing Department, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia;
2 PhD Student, Department of Marketing, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia;
The paper shows the role of product (brand) placement as a special way of reaching customers in modern marketing activities. Acceptance of product placement, awareness of the placed brand, brand attitude, and purchase intention are thought to be the four key factors (variables) affecting product placement in this article. In order to determine the relationship between the named variables, marketing research was conducted, on the basis of which the respondents’ opinions regarding traditional advertising and product placement were identified. It has been demonstrated that traditional advertising loses its potency over time, and that’s why product placement is now preferred in the Georgian market over traditional advertising. Using regression analysis, statistically significant values were obtained, which reflect the relationship between the acceptance of product placement and awareness of the placed brand, as well as the impact of the mentioned variables on the attitude towards brands. The article further examines how product placement influences Georgian consumer’s attitudes towards brands and thereby impacts their purchase intensions.
Keywords: Product placement, consumer behaviour, marketing research.
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