Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Process in the Field of Information Technology

Dedi Rianto Rahadi1*, Hadli2, Sri Ermeila3, Dedi Hartawan4, Rudi Ananda5, Hermanto6
Department of Business, President University, Indonesia
2,3,4,5,6Department of Management, IBA University, Indonesia


The study identifies key factors influencing employee recruitment and selection in the ICT sector, including the importance of digital platforms and social media in attracting IT talent, as well as a lack of potential for advancement and the search for new challenges as critical factors that cause IT employees to leave the company. The practical implications of this research are that IT companies must create a flexible and enjoyable working atmosphere and embark on challenging projects that leverage the latest technology to retain IT employees longer. The findings of this study can help IT companies to improve the effectiveness of the recruitment and employee retention process, so as to achieve organizational goals and maintain a competitive advantage in the ICT sector. In addition, this research makes a theoretical contribution in the field of human resource management by enriching the literature on the factors affecting employee recruitment and retention in the ICT sector.

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Management, ICT.


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