The Influence of Work Engagement and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance at The Aceh One Stop Investment and Services Office (DPMPTSP) With Leader-Member Exchange as A Mediation
*Yusra Arfandi, Amri, & Ahmad Nizam
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research examines the work engagement and organizational commitment effect on leader-member exchange (LMX) and its implications for employee performance at Aceh One Stop Investment and Services Office (DPMPTSP Aceh). This study has the same population and sample size, namely 149 because it used census techniques. The model was tested and analyzed through SEM-AMOS The results concluded that Engagement, Commitment, LMX, and Performance have been going well, Engagement affects LMX, Commitment affects LMX, Engagement affects performance, Commitment affects performance, LMX affects performance, Engagement affects performance mediated by LMX, commitment affects performance mediated by LMX. The test results also reveal that LMX in the model functions as a partial mediator. Thus, the model for increasing DPMPTSP Aceh employee performance is proven to be a function of strengthening engagement, commitment, and LMX. These findings contribute to the development of a theoretical model of performance and can be used as a reference for further research model development. The next research model can identify other variables that can have an impact on the current model, thereby strengthening the theory of causality in the field of management science.
Keywords: Work Engagement, Organizational Commitment, LMX, Employee Performance.
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