The Effect of Electronic Service Quality, Customer Shopping Experience, And Trust on Repurchase with Customer Involvement as Mediation on Shopee Customers in Banda Aceh

*Iqa Fitria, Muhammad Adam, & Hafasnuddin
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This research aims to examine the electronic service quality, customer shopping experience, and trust role in repurchase with customer involvement as mediation on Shopee customers in Banda Aceh City. In this study, the population was all the people of Banda Aceh City who have made purchases at the Shopee Marketplace. This study used non-probability sampling – Quota Sampling as a method of sampling the respondents who have made purchases on Shopee e-commerce. The number of samples is 150. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires and were tested using SPPS, AMOS, and Sobel calculator as statistical tools. The results prove that according to the perspective of Shopee customers in Banda Aceh, Electronic Service Quality, Customer Experience, Trust, Customer Involvement, and Repurchase have been Good; Electronic Service Quality significantly affects Customer Involvement; Customer Shopping Experience significantly affects Customer Involvement; Trust significantly affects Customer Involvement; Electronic Service Quality significantly affects Repurchase; Customer Shopping Experience does not significantly affect Repurchase, Trust does not significantly affect Repurchase, Customer Involvement significantly affects Repurchase, Electronic Service Quality significantly affects Repurchase Through Customer Involvement, Customer Shopping Experience does not significantly affect Repurchase through Customer Involvement, and Trust significantly affects Repurchase through Customer Involvement. The findings also prove that customer involvement serves as a partial mediator for the Electronic Service Quality role in Repurchase and as a full mediator for the Trust role in Repurchase. So it is evident that the model of increasing Repurchases for Shopee customers in Banda Aceh is a function of improving its Shopee Electronic Service Quality, increasing customer Trust, and increasing customer involvement.

Keywords: Electronic Service Quality, Shopping Experience, Customer Involvement, Trust, Repurchase


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