Effect of Marketing and Organisational Innovations on Performance of Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria
Bitrus Fulani Kwajaffa
Department of Marketing, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2023.6712
Because of the dynamism and competition in today’s business environment, firms that wish to compete and endure for a long time must adopt new techniques. The general population of Nigeria has the impression that the nation’s telecommunications operating businesses are not only doing well, but also extremely profitable. However, a recent assessment by the industry watchdog, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC, 2020), revealed that despite the significant investment made by these telecom businesses, the overall sector performance has decreased. This served as the basis for this study, which looked at how organizational and marketing changes affected the success of telecom companies in Nigeria. Questionnaires were used as the tool of data collection in a survey design. Data were gathered from 213 employees at the six-person management cadre. Due to this, the report advises telecom operators to keep looking for new and effective ways to market their goods and services, while also making sure to set them apart from those of rival companies. Additionally, telecom businesses should use better methods for managing their interactions with important parties, particularly regulatory organizations, since doing so will likely result in fewer sanctions and other regulations that could endanger their business operations.
Keywords: Innovation, Marketing Innovation, Organizational Innovation, Performance, Telecom.
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