Do the Relationship between Green Marketing Strategies, Green Perceived Value, and Green Trust Enhance Green Purchase Intentions: A conceptual Study

Akram M. Alhamad1*, Mustafa Akyürek2, Sawsan Abdelghafar Mohamed3, & Abdullah Mahfoud Salem Baadhem4
Faculty of Business, Karabuk University, Turkey
Faculty of Business and communication, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia


As a direct response to the ever-increasing demand for environmentally friendly products, “green marketing” has emerged as one of the most effective business techniques of the present day. As a result, this study summarizes the previous research to better understand the connection between green marketing techniques, green perceived value, and green purchase intention, with faith in the environment serving as a moderating factor. Additionally, the purpose of this research is to offer a different point of view, which will set it apart from other studies that have been conducted on the topic of green products, green perceived value, and green marketing strategies that can improve green trust as well as green purchase intentions. In order to investigate the connection between the different factors, a conceptual framework has been established.

Keywords: Green Marketing Strategy, Green Perceived Value, Green Trust, Green Purchase Intention.


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