Does Corporate Governance Effect on Companies Financial Performance in Oman
Yasser A. Al-Rawi1 & Marwan Abd-Rassol Hamoodi2
1University of Anbar, Iraq,
2University of Anbar, Iraq
The main objective of this study to investigate the role of corporate governance on firm performance in Oman. This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Sample size of 60 companies from three sectors (Financial, Industrial, Service) of the Muscat Stock Exchange (MSX) were selected, which are analyzed with PLS (SEM)) 3.0 software. The findings showed that (audit committee independence, board composition, board size and, CEO-Duality) have negative and insignificant relationship with the company performance (ROA). This result indicates that corporate governance not influence on the financial performance Muscat Stock Exchange (MSX).
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Financial Performance
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