Conceptual Model for Assessment of the Use of ICT among Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Oyo State, Nigeria

Diyaolu, Akorede Muftau1 & Oso, Olutoyin Olukemi2
1Computer Science Department, Federal School of Surveying, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
2T.Y Danjuma Library, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria.


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have emerged as promising opportunities to eliminate and reduce unemployment globally, and at the same time, brought about increased levels of technological advancement which has equally revolutionized the dynamics of the business terrain. Contrarily, many SMEs in Nigeria are not utilizing ICT due to some major barriers as identified in the literature. To this end, this study aims to propose a conceptual model for assessing the influential factors of ICT use among SMEs.
To complement this, a survey was conducted in the Oyo South Senatorial district of Oyo State, Nigeria. A total number of Seventy-three (73) SMEs operators were randomly selected as the sample size. The descriptive statistics which includes frequency counts and percentages were used to describe the sample and to assess ICT use. Regression analysis was used to assess the relationship and influence of technology, organization, and environmental characteristics on the use of ICT.
The findings revealed that ICT use has a significant positive relationship with the constructs of the TOE Framework. the TOE Constructs also have a joint influence on the use of ICT by the SMEs. Discussion of findings, summary, and conclusion along with research contribution were also presented in this study.
The Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) framework has been widely used in examining the factors influencing IT adoption generally, but few studies have attempted to use this framework to measure ICT use among SMEs.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, e-commerce, business applications, TOE framework, Small-and medium enterprise.


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