Competency Assessment of Physical Education Teachers and its Influence on Students’ Cognitive Learning
Jerome Arban, Vincent Domdom, John Vincent Aliazas, & Roger Gimpaya
College of Teacher Education, laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
This study aimed to assess the competency of physical education teachers and its influence on the cognitive learning of students. The research involved 80 junior high school students from two integrated high schools in the province of Laguna. The results indicated that physical education teachers exhibited a high level of perceived knowledge, skills, and professional value positions. Similarly, the students’ cognitive abilities in terms of comprehension, memory, and application were found to be highly satisfactory. Furthermore, the analysis using Pearson correlation revealed significant relationships between different variables. Specifically, knowledge and skills were significantly correlated with memory, indicating that the level of knowledge and skills possessed by physical education teachers had a positive impact on students’ memory abilities. Additionally, the findings showed a significant correlation between memory and professional value positions, suggesting that students’ memory performance was influenced by the professional values demonstrated by their physical education teachers. These findings highlight the importance of competent physical education teachers in enhancing students’ cognitive learning. The results suggest that teachers who possess extensive knowledge and skills in physical education can positively influence students’ memory abilities, which are crucial for effective cognitive learning. Moreover, the study emphasizes the significance of professional values among physical education teachers, as they can contribute to the development of students’ memory skills. These findings can serve as a foundation for future research and can also guide educational institutions and policymakers in designing effective training programs for physical education teachers to improve their competencies and ultimately enhance students’ cognitive learning outcomes.
Keywords: Competency Assessment, Physical education, Student Cognition.
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