The Relationship Between Work from Home, Work-Life Balance, And Role Conflict During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Effect on Job Satisfaction
Amananda Susena1*, Mrihrahayu Rumaningsih2, & Kurniawati Darmaningrum3
123Department of Management, Tunas Pembangunan University, Indonesia
The government of Indonesia has implemented a work-from-home (WFH) policy in response to the significant number of COVID-19 cases nationwide. Companies must create strategies to guarantee that work can be completed correctly and produce quality outcomes while being done from home. On the other side, the ability to work from home improves employees’ ability to balance their work and personal lives. Traveling to and from work is typically wasteful time that could be spent with family. Working from home, however, can also bring about fresh issues, such as disagreements among staff members over prioritizing work versus family time. This issue is frequently expressed as a conflict of roles. Companies are anticipated to use the findings of this research when making decisions, particularly with reference to employee job satisfaction. The analysis program SPSS for Windows v. 26.0 is used in this investigation. This study uses the non-probability sampling approach as its sampling strategy. There were 150 samples collected for the study using the convenience sampling method. The study’s findings demonstrate that working from home significantly and favourably impacts job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is positively and significantly impacted by work-life balance. Job satisfaction is negatively and significantly impacted by role conflict. Work from home, work-life balance, and role conflict all have an impact on job satisfaction at the same time.
Keywords: Work from Home, Work-Life Balance, Role Conflict, dan Job Satisfaction.
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