2030 Work Skills as Predictors of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Readiness to Implement 21st Century Learning

Marjorie B. Borlaza, Tedrick Jan P. Lozada, & Clarissa F. Gregana*
College of Teacher Education, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines


This study focused on the 2030 work skills recommended by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development that predicts the readiness of the Pre-Service Science Teachers in implementing 21st-century learning. The researcher used a descriptive-correlational quantitative research design and regression analysis that was adopted, and statistical tools were used to assess the relationship between independent and dependent variables. It was conducted in Laguna State Polytechnic University campuses; Los Banos, San Pablo, Siniloan, and Sta. Cruz. Based on the findings, the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between cognitive and metacognitive, social and emotional, and practical and physical skills to their readiness to implement 21st-century learning. In regression analysis, it revealed that as the practical and physical skills of the pre-service teacher’s increases, their readiness to implement also increases. The findings of the study may provide pre-service science teachers a guide on the skills needed in 2030 so they can focus more on what area or aspect they need to improve. Likewise, the teachers may create a learning environment where pre-service teachers will be more engaged and help them utilize their full capacity. Furthermore, the University or any educational institution may offer webinars/seminars regarding the skills needed by the pre-service teachers as well as training. Future researchers may be motivated to conduct further studies by employing other variables.

Keywords: Work Skills, Work Readiness, 21st-Century Learning, Pre-Service Science Teachers.


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