The Role of Staff Performance in Mediating the Self-Efficacy, Job Crafting, And Employee Engagement Effect on The Performance of The Pidie District Government Regional Secretariat
Nurmaliasari, Mahdani, & Sofyan*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to see the self-efficacy, job crafting, and employee engagement effect on the performance of the Pidie District Government Regional Secretariat (Pidie Regency Secretariat) with the staff performance as mediators. The population was all of its employees. The sample collection technique used was a census, resulting in a total of 142 respondents. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires online. The Likert scale was used to measure data in the field and was analyzed using AMOS-SEM. The test results conclude that self-efficacy, job crafting, engagement, staff performance, and Pidie Regency Secretariat Performance have been going well; self-efficacy, job crafting, and engagement positively influenced staff performance and Pidie Regency Secretariat Performance; Staff performance itself also positively influenced Pidie Regency Secretariat Performance; and Staff performance partially mediated the self-efficacy, job crafting, and engagement effect on Pidie Regency Secretariat Performance. These results also explain that the Pidie Regency Secretariat Performance model is a function of increasing self-efficacy and also job crafting, which is mediated by staff performance. This model contributes to the development of theory, which is the premise of the results from testing previous models.
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Job Crafting, Employee Engagement, Staff performance, and Organizational Performance
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