Analysis Of Service Quality and Price Conformity Influence on Repurchase Decision with Customer Satisfaction as An Intervening Variable on Delivery Service Users in Bireuen District

Farah Humayra, A Sakir, & Sofyan
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to examine the Service Quality (Servqual) and Price Conformity effect on Repurchase Decision with Customer Satisfaction as an intervening variable for users of goods delivery services. The population in this study are users of delivery services in the Bireuen District. The number of samples used was 310 people. Data were processed using the SEM-AMOS. The result concludes that in Delivery Service Companies in Bireuen District, servqual influences satisfaction, price conformity influences satisfaction, Servqual influences repurchasing decision, price conformity influences repurchase decision, satisfaction influences repurchasing decision, satisfaction mediates the servqual influence on repurchase decision, and satisfaction mediates price conformity influence on repurchase decision. In proving mediation, it concludes that satisfaction is useful in the model as a partial mediator for servqual influencing repurchase decisions and price confirmation influencing repurchase decisions. Thus overall, it has been proven that the model of increasing repurchase decision is a function of increasing servqual, price conformity, and customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Service Quality, Price Conformity, Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Decision


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