The Influence of Leadership Style and Affective Behavior on Work Motivation and Its Impact on Employee Performance of Aceh Province National Land Agency
Ansi Nadia Rizky, Muhammad Adam*, & Mukhlis Yunus
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to test the Leadership Style and Affective Behavior role in Work Motivation and Its Impact on the Performance of Employees of the Aceh Province National Land Agency (BPN Aceh). The population was all employees of the BPN Aceh 310 people (including civil servants and contract employees). The sample was determined by census technique where the entire population members were used as the sample. The result concludes that in BPN Aceh, Leadership influences motivation, Affective behavior influences motivation, Leadership influences performance, Affective behavior influences performance, motivation influences performance, Leadership influences performance thru motivation, and Affective behavior influences performance thru Motivation. The findings also explain that in the model, it is proven that work motivation acts as a partial mediator that links leadership and affective behavior. Therefore, it has been proven that the model for increasing employee performance at BPN Aceh is a function of strengthening appropriate leadership style, implementing strong affective behavior, and also increasing work motivation for its employees.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Affective Behavior, Work Motivation, Employee Performance
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