Analysis of The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Mediating Personality, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance of Human Capital Management System (HCMS) 46 of PT. PLN (Persero) Aceh Regional Main Unit

Muhammad Purkan, Said Musnadi, & A. Sakir
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This research aims to test the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Mediating Personality, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Commitment effect on Employee Performance. In this study, the population was all Human Capital Management System (HCMS) 46 employees at PT. PLN Aceh Regional Main Unit (PLN Aceh), with a total of 199 employees. Data were tested thru Structural Modeling (SEM) technique. The result concludes that in the HCMS 46-unit employees of PLN Aceh, Personality affects OCB, Culture affects OCB, commitment affects OCB, Personality affects Performance, Culture affects Performance, Commitment affects Performance, OCB affects Performance, Personality affects Performance Thru OCB, Culture affects Performance Thru OCB, and Commitment affects Performance Thru OCB. The findings in the model test also prove that OCB is verified as a partial mediator, especially for the H8, H9, and H10 models. So, these findings explain that the model for increasing employee performance in HCMS 46 of PLN Aceh is a function of improving Personality to make it better, adjusting culture, strengthening commitment, and implementing OCB well.

Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Personality, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance


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