The Impact of Knowledge Management Processes on Sustainable Performance: The Mediating Role of Enterprise Resource Planning System
Ramzi. M. Aitarawneh
Faculty of Art and Educational Sciences, Middle East University, Jordan
This study identified the effect of knowledge management processes on sustainable performance, testing the expected role of the ERP system as an intermediate variable in enhancing the impact of knowledge management processes on sustainable performance. Few studies have empirically examined the three variables encouraging the researcher to fill the research knowledge gap. A literature review is a suitable way to review existing literature while facilitating theory development and uncovering areas where further research is needed. Data were collected through questionnaires from the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Industrial Companies in Amman which are (6) companies, used a comprehensive survey due to the limitations of the population which consisted of (81) administrators at the top and middle management levels, using SPSS statistics version 25 for testing the research model and hypotheses. The results reveal an appositive medium effect of the knowledge management process on sustainable performance, the findings also indicate the medium level of effect of the knowledge management process on ERPs. The results also confirm that there is higher level of effect of ERP on the effect of knowledge management process on sustainable performance. This mean that all hypothesized relation was positive.
Keywords: Knowledge Management Processes; Sustainable Performance; ERPS.
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