The Concept of Employers Brand-the Case of Heineken 

Ioanna Dimitrakaki
International Hellenic University of Greece, Greece


Organizational managers and the academic community have converged in recent years in recognizing human capital as a valuable resource at the base of operating in markets that are increasingly based on knowledge and skills. This perspective has been reinforced by the rapid development of organizational competition, at the level of locating, attracting and maintaining the appropriate labor force. Competition between organizations, known as the ‘war for talent’, has become a central issue in strategic human resource management and has been argued to be increasingly intense. The reason behind, may be that jobs are becoming more and more complex, while achieving high levels of organizational performance requires more and more innovative solutions to problems that depend on highly skilled and quality workers. Organizations should develop processes to enhance understanding of the behaviors and attitudes of talented employees (potential and existing). These should keep pace with contemporary social and demographic trends and the strengthening of the labor force migration phenomenon. The concept of employer brand, on the one hand, has to do with attracting strong talent, but equally important is the attraction and retention of the right employees, in the right conditions, contexts and constraints. This article dealt with the concept of employer brand, having as research objective the thorough study of the concept, analyzing the Heineken organization based on the case study technique. The organization was chosen as it is a prime example of employer branding, which can provide valuable lessons for today’s organizations.

Keywords: employer brand, Heineken, work experience, concept, organizational outcomes.


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