MI Nurul Falah’s Communication Strategies Emerged in The Environmental Governance Learning Process

Gadis Octory, & Vania Utamie Subiakto
Faculty of Communication Sciences, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia


PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk is a company engaged in real estate development where this company is also one of the companies under Sinar Mas Land. PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk has also been successful in developing a new city, namely BSD City. Therefore, through Corporate Social Responsibility, companies also need Community Development. Where in Community Development it is necessary to have relationships with the community as a relationship with communication as a function of community relations which is one of the functions of the company in participating in active and continuous planning with the people in a community to maintain and develop the environment for the benefit of both parties, namely the institution and the community. Therefore, the author will discuss Sinar Mas Land’s CSR communication strategy in fostering environmental governance in dealing with face-to-face learning in disadvantaged madrasas in the South Tangerang area and what is the involvement and relationship pattern of Sinar Mas Land’s CSR with target schools in the South Tangerang area? The aim of this research is to determine Sinar Mas Land’s CSR communication strategy in fostering environmental governance in dealing with face-to-face learning at disadvantaged madrasas in the South Tangerang area. To determine the involvement and relationship patterns of Sinar Mas Land’s CSR with target schools in the South Tangerang area.

The paradigm of this research is post positivism, namely an understanding that every aspect of social reality is seen holistically as a natural unity that needs to be interpreted in depth, especially as social reality is understood as a complex reality. This type of research is descriptive. The aim of descriptive research using a qualitative approach is to seek detailed factual information regarding existing symptoms. The research method used is a case study, which is one of the research methods in social sciences. In research using this method, an in-depth longitudinal examination of a situation or event called a case is carried out using systematic methods of observing, collecting data, analyzing information and reporting the results.

Keywords: Communication Strategy, CSR, Sinar Mas Land, disadvantaged schools


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