The Mediation Role of Brand Equity on The Influence of Attitude Towards the Brand and Brand Image on Product Repurchase Intentions of Apple iPhone Product in Banda Aceh City
Kemal Farsha, Jasman J, & Sulaiman
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to examine the mediating role of Brand Equity (BE) on the Brand Attitude (BA) and Brand Image (BI) influence on Repurchase Intention. The population was all Apple iPhone product users in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. The number of samples was determined using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) requirement, the formula is 10 times the number of indicators (17 indicators used), providing 170 respondents. Data were processed through AMOS with SEM Analysis. Direct effect testing will be carried out through SEM, and indirect effect testing will be carried out through the Sobel test. The research results show that among Apple iPhone product users in Banda Aceh City, Brand image influences Brand Equity, Brand Attitude influences Repurchase Intentions, Brand Image influences Repurchase Intention, Brand Equity influences Repurchase Intention, Brand Equity partially mediates the Brand Attitude influence on repurchase intention, and Brand Equity partially mediates the Brand Image influence on Repurchase Intention. These results illustrate that the model for increasing Repurchase Intention among Apple iPhone product users in Banda Aceh City is a function of stimulating a good Brand Attitude, improving brand image, strengthening brand equity, and strengthening repurchase intention. This finding is a reinforcement and theoretical development of several previous theories and contributes as a basis for further research development. The limitations are in the variables and scope. Practically, this research is also useful for answering problems that exist in the subject under study.
Keywords: Brand Attitude, Brand Image, Brand Equity, Repurchase Intention.
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