The Influence of Work-Life Balance, Work Stress on Work Engagement and Performance at PT. PLN (Persero) UIW Aceh during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Collectivism and Individualism as Moderators
Firman Faisal, Mukhlis, & Sorayanti Utami*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study is to test the work-life balance, work stress on work engagement, and performance of PT. PLN (Persero) UIW Aceh (PLN Aceh) during the COVID-19 pandemic: collectivism and individualism as moderators. The population was employees at PLN Aceh, totaling 879 people. The number of samples was determined using a formula 5 times the number of indicators, totaling 135 samples. The result showed that work-life balance affects work engagement, work stress affects work engagement, work-life balance does not affect organizational performance, work stress affects organizational performance, collectivism and individualism affect organizational performance, work engagement influences organizational performance, work engagement fully mediates the work-life balance impact on organizational performance, work engagement partially mediates the work stress impact on organizational performance, collectivism and individualism moderate the work-life balance impact on organizational performance, and collectivism and individualism moderate the work stress impact on organizational performance. These findings reveal that the model for improving performance at PLN Aceh during the COVID-19 pandemic is a function of balancing work-life, reducing work stress, strengthening work engagement, and strengthening collectivism and individualism. These findings, which are a form of managerial model, can contribute to theory development and strengthen further research.
Keywords: Organizational Performance, Work Engagement, Collectivism and Individualism, Work-Life Balance, and Work Stress
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