The Influence of Brand Credibility and Customer Experience on Service Purchasing Behavior of Gojek in Banda Aceh with Influencer Marketing Strategy as A Mediation Variable
Pilar Banda Aceh Fadillah1, Muhammad Adam2, & Mukhlis3
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to test the Brand Credibility and Customer Experience effect on the Service Purchasing Behavior of Gojek Services in Banda Aceh with Influencer Marketing Strategy as a mediating variable. The population referred to is all Gojek customers in Banda Aceh. This sample size was determined using the minimum size for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, which uses a formula of 10 times the number of indicator variables, totaling 16 indicators used, totaling 160 samples. Data were processed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The result shows that Brand Credibility affects Influencer Marketing Strategy, Customer Experience affects Influencer Marketing Strategy, Brand Credibility affects Purchasing Behavior, Customer Experience affects Purchasing Behavior, Influencer Marketing Strategy affects Purchase Behavior, Brand Credibility affects Purchasing Behavior through Influencer Marketing Strategies, and Customer Experience affects Purchasing Behavior through Influencer Marketing Strategies. The influencer marketing strategy in the model is also proven to be a partial mediator which can be a mediator or not as a mediator. These results thus explain that the model for improving service purchasing behavior is a function of increasing brand credibility, customer experience, and influencer marketing strategy.
Keywords: Brand Credibility, Customer Experience, Influencer Marketing Strategy, Service Purchasing Behavior.
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