Mediating of Organizational Commitment to Transformational Leadership on Job Performance
Khalid Salim Almahri & Sazali Abd Wahab
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL), Malaysia
The goal of this study is to determine how transformational leadership affects the productivity of Oman’s construction employee by organizational commitment. One of the most important elements affecting employee attitudes and actions is leadership. In recent years, transformational leadership has drawn a lot of attention among the many leadership philosophies because of its potential to enhance employee engagement and productivity. Many nations, like Oman, depend heavily on the building industry for their economic success. Oman’s construction sector does, however, suffer a number of difficulties, including problems with staff loyalty and productivity. Organizational commitment as a mediator, transformational leadership as the independent variable and Job performance as the dependent variable in construction in Oman, The SPSS program was used to analyze data.
Keywords: Organizational commitment, transformational leadership, Job performance.
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