The Social Reality of Cross-religion youth community in Indonesia

Vania Utamie Subiakto
Faculty of Communication, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia


The study aims at identifying how the social reality of cross-religion youth community in playing the role and implementing the ethics of preaching throughout Indonesia so that a life setting of plurally harmonious plural society with different religious backgrounds. In conducting the study, the theory of social construction has been adopted. Through this theory, the thoughts of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann identify that the process of social reality does not present itself as it is but, instead, the process of social reality is accepted and interpreted through a dialectical process with long and recurrent feedback among the social actors. Furthermore, the study itself is a descriptive qualitative research using the phenomenological approach. The type of the study itself is field research, which makes use of the phenomenological approach in order to specifically find the reality that has taken place within the society. The results of the study have found the reality that the cross-religion youth community has shaped using the method of preaching that goes in accordance with the teachings of each religion. In this occasion, the cross-religion youth community has been established as an organization by the society of different religious backgrounds in order to help and care with each other through a number of cooperation for the sake of the common goodness so that communal activities can be performed in order to create inter-religion community harmony.

Keywords:  Social Reality, communication, Cross-religion youth community, Preaching


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