The Effect of Good Governance, Intellectual Intelligence, and Spiritual Intelligence on the Managerial Performance of the Aceh Regional Secretariat: Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator

*Wahyu Saputra, Said Musnadi, & Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to test the good governance, intellectual intelligence, and spiritual intelligence effect on the managerial performance of the Aceh regional secretariat with emotional intelligence as moderating. This study was conducted at the Aceh Regional Secretariat with a total population of 597 people. The sample was determined using cluster random sampling and the Slovin formula so that the 239 employees were obtained. Data were analyzed using AMOS SEM statistical equipment. Data were collected by interviewing and distributing questionnaires. The results reveal that at the Aceh Regional Secretariat, Good Governance, intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and emotional intelligence affect managerial performance, Emotional intelligence moderates as a homologizer moderation on the Good Governance effect on managerial performance, and Emotional intelligence moderates as a quasi-moderation on the spiritual intelligence effect on managerial performance, and Emotional intelligence moderates as a homologizer moderation on the intellectual intelligence effect on managerial performance. These findings explain that the model for improving managerial performance at the Aceh Regional Secretariat is a function of increasing Good Governance, intellectual intelligence, and spiritual intelligence, which can be strengthened by increasing emotional intelligence.

Keywords: Good Governance, Intellectual Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Managerial Performance.


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