Analysis of the Socio-Economic Condition of Transmigrants to Poverty in Pohuwato District
Abdulrahim Maruwae1*, Sri Indriyani S.Dai2, Alvianita Husain3, & Saskia Tanaiyo4
1Department of Economics Education, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
2Department of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
3,4 Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
Discussions about poverty are still evolving with the times. The transmigrant community is no exception. The transmigration program since it was promoted in the New Order era aims to reduce population density in an area, but this program still needs to be studied further on the socio-economic conditions of the transmigrant community. Pohuwato Regency has become an area in Gorontalo Province that has received many transmigrants since 1980. The purpose of this study is to further analyze the socio-economic conditions of the transmigrant community towards poverty in Pohuwato Regency by using logistical analysis.
The estimation results using logistic regression conclude that the level of education has a negative and significant effect, meaning that the level of education is able to reduce the possibility of transmigrants becoming poor. Working status has a negative but not significant effect, however, working status based on the odds ratio value shows that people’s chances of becoming poor are still smaller. The main job field of working in the agricultural sector shows that there is a positive and significant effect on people’s chances of becoming poorer. Land ownership has a negative and significant effect on poverty levels, meaning that people have a smaller chance of becoming poor if they own land.
Keywords: Poverty, Transmigrants Pohuwato.
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